A spotless exterior not only boosts your home’s curb appeal but also helps protect it from the harsh effects of weather and time. Our house washing service in Wellington helps restore the beauty of your home, leaving it looking rejuvenated, clean, and in top condition. Whether you are getting your home ready to sell, prepping for a fresh coat of paint, or simply want to clean away dirt and build-up, we have got everything you need.
We take care of a wide range of house washing services, from cleaning exteriors and driveways to roof and gutter washing, as well as pressure washing walls and windows. Our team utilises top-of-the-line pressure washing tools and environmentally safe cleaning products to provide a deep, yet gentle, clean. We use a mix of high-pressure water jets and gentle washing techniques for sensitive areas, providing a thorough clean while preventing any damage.
Our knowledgeable staff can handle all of your house washing requirements and consistently produces excellent results. We take great care in preparing each area, protecting your plants and surfaces, and ensuring every part of your home gets the attention it needs. Equipped with high-quality tools such as pressure washers, soft wash systems, and surface cleaners, we make sure the job is completed perfectly from the start. With our house washing service in Wellington, we aim to restore your home’s appearance, protect your investments, and improve overall hygiene. We are here to ensure your property stays in top shape, season after season.